Journeys In Pictures

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Partial Solar Eclipse on March 19th, 2007

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

National War Memorial, Maharashtra, Pune, India

Just Outside the Gate - a reminder of what was at play- an impressive weapon of war: Tank .

The Entrance Gate of the National War Memorial (Maharashtra), Pune, India

With a canon on left and informative plaques on the right of the entrance.

The beautiful pathway leading to the memorial structure.

The Memorial

The tall tower at the centre is made of four wings.

Names of all the martyrs are written on the wall on three sides of the monument.

Four bases of the tower are marked with the symbols of the Indian Armed Forces.

Logo of the Army
on the right side

Logo of the Navy
on the left side

Logo of the Air Force
on the back side

The Combined Logo of the Armed Forces
reading Seva Paramo Dharma - Service is Supreme Religion
On the front side